New XML DITA Editor for eXact LCMS presented at key learning technologies events in London and Karlsruhe
The global vendor of online and mobile learning content management and digital repository solutions, eXact learning solutions, has upgraded its eXact LCMS, adding single source XML technical documentation to blended learning.
This upgrade is on show for the first time at the Learning Technologies exhibition in London, on 25th and 26th January (at stand number 34) and at Learntec exhibition in Karlsruhe, Germany on 31 January – 2 February (at stand number E30 with partner TWI).
As a result of this major upgrade, the award-winning eXact LCMS and eXact Mobile platforms, now support XML DITA content authoring and management. The Darwin Information Typing Architecture - DITA (http://dita.xml.org/) is an XML-based standard promoted by OASIS, the US-headquartered global consortium, which is driving the standardisation of technical and maintenance documentation within such industries as the machine engineering, semiconductor, automotive, financial, pharmaceutical and translation industries.
The DITA specification empowers greater flexibility in learning documentation publishing and reuse, enabling authors to organise digital materials and documents into smaller, more focused topic items. These items could be classified by subject domain and linked to publications’ maps, rather than being sealed into long books and chapters, as in existing publishing XML specifications such as ePub and DocBook.
After DITA’s recent announcement of a new learning and training materials specification, many corporate CIOs and CLOs are now asking for DITA compliancy from suppliers, according to Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO of eXact learning solutions North America. He added that these CIOs and CLOs are also requiring AICC and/or SCORM compliance within their instructor-led and technical training content production processes - in order to better support the re-use and sharing of documentation sources within and across technical and training departments within their organisations.
The new eXact DITA Editor that is being launched at Learning Technologies 2012, in London, and Learntec 2012, in Karlsruhe, Germany, offers a fully-fledged DITA authoring, management and delivery environment. This environment is fully integrated with the SCORM-based online and mobile learning content management and rendering capabilities which are at the core of the eXact LCMS platform – which is currently installed in over 100 organisations worldwide.
At the Learning Technologies’ exhibition on 25th January (at: 15.30 - 16.00), Cardinali will be outlining the eXact DITA Editor during a special seminar. The seminar includes a presentation on the fundamentals of the new DITA learning and training specification, along with a SCORM to DITA comparison and conversion roadmap.
For further details about the Learning Technologies London event on 25th - 26th January visit www.learningtechnologies.co.uk
For further details about the Learntec event in Kalsruhe on 31st January to 2nd February visit www.learntec.de
For further details about DITA, visit http://dita.xml.org/
To book a meeting with the eXact learning solutions team at Learning Technologies, send an email to [email protected]
About eXact learning solutions
eXact learning solutions, formerly Giunti Labs, is a leading online and mobile learning content management and digital repository solutions provider, which offers a wide range of tools and services for content development, content management and content delivery, covering:
• Learning content management and digital repository platforms
• Mobile learning technologies
• Consulting and professional services
• Multi-language bespoke learning content production
The company has over 15 years of experience and more than 100 customers worldwide. Its technological innovations allow enterprises to improve their organisational performance in learning content production and management, and achieve significant reductions in business costs.
For more information, please contact:
Minna Leikas, eXact learning solutions, Marketing Manager
Mobile +39 347 4435167; Office +39 0185 4608; Email [email protected]
Bob Little, Bob Little Press & PR,
Office +44 (0)1727 860405; Email [email protected]