eXact learning solutions launches new Mobile Learning Apps at Learning Technologies in London
At this year’s Learning Technologies conference and exhibition, being held in London in January, a leading learning content management and digital repository solution provider, eXact learning solutions, is explaining how to ‘add mobile’ to existing learning management system (LMS) infrastructures.
In particular, in the exhibition arena, eXact learning solutions specialists will deliver a free seminar on how to extend existing LMS and VLE infrastructures to reap the benefit of mobile and location based learning. The presentation will also introduce the newly launched eXact Mobile 2.0 Apps for the new Blackberry, iPhone and iPad as well as for the next Android™ series of smart phones and tablets.
This seminar will also be presented regularly at the eXact learning exhibition stand (number 21).
These applications empower location-based SCORM content distribution, tracking and reporting on new smartphones and tablet devices; then aligning tracking data dynamically with any existing learning platform of choice. This greatly extends the reach of any existing third party LMS platform.
According to Andrea Lorenzon, Solution Architect at eXact learning solutions: “These short seminars should benefit anyone who wants to harness the power of new, mobile devices and turn them into fully integrated ‘learning machines’ which communicate seamlessly with their existing e-learning platforms and infrastructures.
“We’ll be demonstrating how to integrate new devices into an organisation’s existing LMS or learning content management system (LCMS), via modular standards based integration. If nothing else, this should extend the possibilities of users’ learning content design and exponentially enrich the learning experience for the user.
“Location based learning is also a unique add-on we achieved by using a mash-up of Microsoft and Google Virtual Maps technologies within our solutions,” Lorenzon explained.
The eXact learning solutions’ free seminars take place in the seminar area at Learning Technologies, in Olympia, London, on 26th January, from 11:00 to 11:30 and at various times during 26th and 27th January at the eXact learning solutions’ exhibition stand (stand number 21).
In addition, visitors to the eXact learning solutions stand at the exhibition will be able to see the latest developments in eXact learning solutions’ LCMS and digital repository technologies: eXact LCMS and Harvestroad Hive DR.
At the accompanying Learning Technologies conference - on Thursday 27th January , from 14:00 to 15:00 - Carlos González Alonso, the Director of Training at Caja Madrid, one of Spain’s largest financial groups and a client of eXact learning solutions, will be presenting a case study outlining how Caja Madrid has revolutionised its training systems through the use of the eXact LCMS, which is being used to complement its corporate LMS. In particular, he will be explaining how to design and establish a learning strategy where the learning is both efficient and exciting.
As a large commercial bank, Caja Madrid relies on training to ensure that its employees are competent and meeting compliance requirements. In today’s demanding, fast-changing environment, that means that both content production and delivery must be efficient and the learning must be enjoyable and targeted to business needs.
Over the past two years, Caja Madrid’s training team has moved the bank’s learning to this approach, with some 550,000 hours of training now being delivered online annually, representing 75 per cent of the bank’s total training hours.
The project, known as ‘Aula Virtual de Caja Madrid’, exploits and profits from the knowledge of Caja Madrid - along with that of its partners and collaborators. All this is possible through a special system for learning materials development and delivery which is aligned to market rhythm and requirements.