Join the European Learning Industry Group at Online Educa, Berlin
The European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) is running a number of events, which will take place at Europe’s largest e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors: Online Educa, which is being held in Berlin, from 30th November to 2nd December.
ELIG’s events at Online Educa begin with a Networking Reception, on 30th November, from 18.30 to 20.00. This Reception, which provides an opportunity for discussion and networking, includes the public launch of the VISIR project as well as an introduction of the TEL-Map project – both of which are supported by the European Union.
Carin Martell, Alliance Manager at eXact learning solutions, will introduce the TEL-Map project – which focuses on exploratory ’roadmapping’ activities for new forms of learning and supports the adoption of those new forms, via awareness-building and knowledge management.
Nikitas Kastis, President of The Menon Network will launch the VISIR project.
If you would like to attend the networking reception please register your interest with Lin Squires (Email Lin Squires ).
On 1st December, from 11.45 to 13.00, Elmar Husmann, ELIG’s Deputy General Secretary, will chair ‘Open for Learning’, a session about open education – which draws heavily from the successful model of open source software. Later that day, from 14.15 to 15.45, ELIG’s Secretary General, Dr Richard Straub, will chair a session on ‘Building performance int he heart of the workplace’, looking at how to harness technology to enhance learner productivity and performance.
Then, on 2nd December, from 9.30 to 11.00, Fabrizio Cardinali, who is the Chair of ELIG, will deliver a keynote speech in the final Industry track plenary entitled, ‘How Can We Get Europe’s Learning Industry (First) to the Moon and Back in the Next Decade?’
His presentation will draw parallels between the world’s historic industry challenges - such as the one faced by the US aerospace industry during the Cold War, with its sudden awakening after the launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik - and the peculiar challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s learning technologies developers in their task to help Europe survive increasing competition, both for appropriately skilled workers and for business in global markets.
The presentation will highlight the key need to combine creativity and innovation in order to be successful. Such a combination occurred in Europe during the Renaissance, according to Harvard University’s Professor Johansson – who has termed it the ‘Medici Effect’.
Cardinali said: “This session will be a call to action for the European Learning Industry to bring about a ‘Renaissance 2.0’ through the actions of innovative policy makers and creative thinkers.”
Finally, on 2nd December, from 11.45 to 13.15, Armin Hopp, of digital publishing AG/ Speexx, will chair a panel discussion on new business and service models along with forward looking technology applications for learning. The panel – Clive Miller (of English 360); Johnny Parkes (Irish elearning Competency Centre) and Burkard Lehmann (Fern University, Hagen, in Germany) – will provide insights into the possibilities of a vibrant and re-invented European learning industry.
ELIG has also just published three new research reports, which are available on the ELIG website: www.elig.org
• ELIG Annual Report 2010-2011
• White Paper 2011 - Open Education: a wake-up call for the learning industry
• A Summary for 2011 - A snapshot of the Learning Industry in Europe in 2011