Outsell names Giunti Labs among its 30 companies to watch
A recent report by the publishing and information industries research and advisory firm Outsell, Inc., has named Giunti Labs as one of just 30 companies in the world to ‘watch’ because of its potential impact on the publishing and information provider community. Other companies named include Apple, Blackboard, Bloomberg, E Ink, Kaplan, National Public Radio and TechCrunch.
According to this report - ‘Information Industry Outlook 2010: A New Dawn, New Day, New Decade’, available from http://www.outsellinc.com/store/products/897?refid=pr897 - success for information and publishing companies no longer hinges on just content or technology. In particular, Outsell cites three key factors driving the need to create ‘incredible experiences’ which, in turn, will drive industry growth: tight budgets; unique, new technologies, and the information consumer’s own selectivity (driven by her/his available time and attention).
Anthea Stratigos, Outsell's CEO, commented: “Companies meeting the criteria for our ‘30 To Watch’ each year are doing particularly innovative things or things that are on-trend with market dynamics, shaking up their respective marketplaces and challenging all publishers and providers to re-evaluate their activities and learn.”
The report names Giunti Labs as ‘the creator of some of the most dynamic, interactive, 3D, multi-11 device-integrated learning solutions in the market that exemplify how it all comes together in work and learning apps of the future.’
Fabrizio Cardinali, Giunti Labs’ CEO, said: “Naturally, we’re delighted to have been named in Outsell’s ’30 to Watch’. It is always a pleasure to receive recognition for being at the leading edge of your profession and making some impressive advances – but, of course, the real benefits from what we’re doing are being felt by our clients.”