Giunti Labs reveals latest product suites at 'Learning Impact 2009'
Giunti Labs, a leading learning and mobile content management solution provider, is unveiling the new Release 4 of its HarvestRoad Hive Digital Repository (DR) and the Enterprise 2009 Edition of its learn eXact learning content management system (LCMS) at 'Learning Impact 2009' (www.imsglobal.org/learningimpact2009/). This event is being organised by the IMS Global Learning Consortium and being held at the Fira Palace Hotel in Barcelona, Spain, from 11th to 14th May.
Giunti Labs will also showcase two client applications which have been shortlisted for the IMS Learning Impacts Awards, as well as present a set of keynote speeches and other presentations.
The two client applications are 'Building Cegos' Management Skills Catalogue Using Giunti Labs' learn eXact LCMS' (a joint presentation by Giunti Labs and the France-based e-learning content producer CEGOS) and 'The Vet Tube - Using HarvestRoad Hive DR for building a Digital Marketplace for Veterinary Education' (presented jointly by Giunti Labs and Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon). The Learning Impact Awards recognise 'the most impactful use of technology worldwide in support of learning'.
After giving a keynote presentation at the Learning Impact conference on 11th May on 'Towards Europe's Knowledge Renaissance 2.0 - Advancing Learning Innovation and Creativity in Europe's Knowledge Society (and Surviving Global Crisis and Competition)', Giunti Labs' CEO, Fabrizio Cardinali, chairs the 'Creativity and Innovation in European Education' track. This track includes case studies of successful innovation and creativity in European learning initiatives.
Meanwhile, the new Release 4 of Giunti Labs' HarvestRoad Hive DR and the Enterprise 2009 Edition of its learn eXact LCMS will be on show to visitors throughout the event.
Release 4 of the HarvestRoad Hive DR provides:
• New user searching, rating, and classification features (folksonomies) for Web 2.0 portal creation and management
• New search engine integration with extended syntax, multi-language search support, result sorting and improved performance
• Extended support for internationalisation using Unicode character sets in both the user interface and content
• High Availability Mode and new Caching Mode increased performance
• Optional native integration with:
o Icodeon™ 2 player for SCORM rendering and tracking
o Psydev plugins for RSS, Emails and Podcast streaming
o Multiple authoring tools (eXact Packager™, Softchalk™, Reload™...)
o Mobile learning authoring, rendering & tracking
Redefining the architecture of Giunti Labs' learn eXact LCMS technology towards a .NET, SOA based, Enterprise architecture, the new Enterprise learn eXact integrates with any e-learning infrastructure by offering:
• A new, scalable and balanceable three tier .NET architecture for very large enterprise deployments
• New native support for SQL Server and Oracle DBMS
• A new workflow and project management engine dedicated to globally-distributed learning content production processes and projects
• A new online and offline integrated editor
• Advanced dynamic content linking and version control
• A new Enterprise DURP (Domains, Users, Roles & Permissions) management engine for enterprise integration with any pre-existing LMS, ERP or CMS