Giunti Labs partners with Stoas Learning
A leading learning and mobile content management solution provider, Giunti Labs, has named Stoas Learning, the Netherlands-based provider of digital learning solutions, as one of its 'implementation partners'.
Under this agreement, Stoas Learning has become the exclusive supplier of Giunti Labs' learn eXact suite of products in the Netherlands. These products comprise an advanced authoring environment for e-learning materials as well as a learning content management system (LCMS) which is compatible with most virtual learning environments (VLEs)/ learning management systems (LMSs) including open source VLEs such as Moodle and Sakai.
According to Stoas Learning, the key benefits of using learn eXact are:
• A strong authoring environment
• Its extensive use of industry standards
• De-coupling of content and lay-out
• Single source input to support multiple outputs
• Its unique template approach
• Single source maintenance
"learn eXact enables users to distribute content from one source - accessible via a web interface - to a wide variety of platforms including Moodle, Sakai and Blackboard," explained Stoas Learning's CEO, Ed Botterweg.
"Moreover, this can be delivered to a wide range of equipment - including PCs, websites, interactive television, CD-ROMs, smartphones and other wireless devices such as PDAs - as well as via a wide range of media, including pdf, html, textbook, virtual worlds and, for assessment and testing, QTI.
"Its modular way of storing information enables authors to update specific content without influencing other data. A learning object only needs to be altered once because of the 'single source' principle - which means that alteration is automatically carried through into all e-learning modules that use this object."
Giunti Labs' learn eXact complies with national and international agreements, and such standards as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, IMS, IMS ePortfolio and IMS QTI. Complying with the SCORM 2004 standard makes it possible for e-learning modules that have been developed with learn eXact to be played via every VLE that supports this standard.
"learn eXact is also backwards compatible when new versions arrive," pointed out Fabrizio Cardinali, Giunti Labs' CEO.
He continued: "learn eXact enables the easy use and re-use of course components, otherwise known as learning objects. With this, it is possible to develop 'didactic design', to give shape to learning materials by using templates.
"A didactical design can be shared with colleagues, so that this can be filled with new learning materials quickly - bearing in mind that learn eXact specifically separates content and design."
Stoas Learning offers training to organisations to help them develop content for their e-learning modules in-house.
Giunti Labs' learn eXact is already being used in a number of industries including the military; avionics; automotive; telecoms; pharmaceuticals, banking and finance, as well as the public and education sectors. Current clients include Lockheed Martin; the Dutch division of Thales, the St Louis Division of Boeing; the French and Spanish Ministries of Defence; Scania; Volkswagen; Abbott Pfizer; Astra Zeneca; Kaplan Financial; SwissRe; Banca Intesa; Unicredit; the Italian Government; the Italian and Swedish Post Offices: the NHS in the UK; the Health and Safety Laboratory; Lubeck University's OnCampus; Moscow Steel; Florence and Bologna Universities; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Open Knowledge Initiative; the University of Maryland University College;General Electric; the Budapest Atomic Plant; Italy's ENI; Cegos, Europe's largest softskills training provider; Ericsson; Alcatel-Lucent; TIM; Fastweb; Microsoft; Gucci; BSKyB; Felxtronics, and educational publishers Harcourt and Elsevier.