Giunti Labs launches state-of-the-art Enterprise ePortfolio software
Giunti Labs, a leading online and mobile content management solution provider, is launching a state-of-the-art set of Portfolio and Skills management modules as part of its new learn eXact Enterprise LCMS Suite. The products - currently known as 'eXact Portfolio' - are being unveiled for the first time at the ePortfolio conference being held in London from 22nd to 24th June.
Fabrizio Cardinali, Giunti Labs' CEO, will discuss ePortfolios during his keynote speech to the conference on 22nd June, (http://www.epforum.eu/). The speech covers 'Blending new generation skills, portfolio and learning content management systems for personalising learning in Europe - and surviving both the global crisis and increasing competition'.
Developed by Giunti Labs Scandinavia, the new system includes a full skills management application and deals with topics such as apprenticeship, validation scenarios and peer ratings. According to Ola Badersten, Managing Director of Giunti Labs Scandinavia, the new eXact Portfolio software has been successfully trialed in 30 municipalities in Southern Sweden and is now also in use in a leading mobile telecommunications company.
"For corporates, eXact Portfolio provides a system for traditional skills management, gap and training analysis, succession planning and performance management," said Badersten. "The academic sector uses the ePortfolio methodology for students as well as for skills management of staff.
"Local government uses the software's capabilities for skills management, ePortfolio methodology, skill validation processes, monitoring apprenticeships, monitoring employability, lifelong learning perspectives and even Swedish language training for immigrants," he added. "The software is also enabling various bodies such as employment agencies, social welfare, educational bodies and the immigration agency to communicate with each other, to monitor learners' progress."
According to Andrea Gentili, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for Giunti Labs: "Already, we are seeing a great deal of interest in the new eXact Portfolio product. Corporates appear to be more interested in using the system for gap analysis, training needs analysis, assessment, peer review, job appraisals and succession planning; the education sector sees it as helping with accreditation and storing learners' grades as well as managing staff's skills and competency portfolios; while the public sector is majoring on lifelong learning, skills validation, local and regional training needs analysis, employability perspectives and communications between various agencies to monitor learners' progress.
"On a strategic level, eXact Portfolio is about identifying, charting and monitoring personal skills," he added. "Ultimately, the vision is for each person to have one ePortfolio account which is used from that person's first day in school until their retirement - and, perhaps, beyond."
Giunti Labs' new eXact Portfolio is:
• An 'enterprise class' system - built on the key principles of modularity, scalability, integration, interoperability and so on.
• Highly configurable - without any previous programming experience. This allows users to configure the system to different workflows and target information.
• Able to deal with any kind of 'learning entity' such as apprenticeships and skills/ job profiles.
• A 'Rich Internet Application'.
• Compliant with international standards.
• Fully SaaS enabled.
• Multilingual in the sense that its localisation engine can produce ePortfolios in any language.