Cyber-security learning game Zero Threat wins Silver in 2017 International Serious Play Awards
Against a backdrop of recent headline-making global cyber-attacks, cyber-security training game Zero Threat has won an international award.
Cyber-security training game Zero Threat has won a coveted Silver award in the 2017 International Serious Play Awards, a competition honouring outstanding digital games designed for education or training. “The winning games were high quality and very innovative this year. We had many close categories,” said Sue Bohle, Executive Director of award sponsor, Serious Play Conference.
In light of recent global ransomware attacks, Zero Threat is an important tool which allows organisations to use an interactive gameplay environment to educate workers on the risks of cyber-attacks, ransomware, phishing, vishing, password hygiene and other cyber-security threats.
"It has long been accepted that online behaviour is a vital part of maintaining cyber-security. Indeed, some of the most high-profile cyber-attacks in recent months have been linked to poor security awareness, so building a good 'cyber-culture' has never been more important," said Michael Sacks, Chief Executive Officer at Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) training specialists Eukleia, who collaborated on the game design.
"The goal of Zero Threat is to engage learners emotionally by showing, rather than describing, the consequences of good and bad cyber-security decisions. In our increasingly digital workplace, things can go wrong very quickly. Zero Threat uses modern gameplay elements to infuse the topic with excitement and help build good 'cyber muscle-memory’."
"We are delighted that Zero Threat has been acknowledged as a 'purposeful' learning game," said Phil Stuart, Creative Director at ‘games with purpose’ studio Preloaded who designed the game. "Cyber-security is a very topical issue at the moment and cyber-attacks are regularly in the news. Using a learning game like Zero Threat to educate employees on the many prevalent cyber-threats and dangers out there takes training to a deeper, more engaging level."
"Mandatory training isn't usually regarded as fun and we all know that less engaged learners are less effective at retaining complicated information. Using an engaging game like Zero Threat provides opportunities for learners to interact with the learning material, and to have fun while doing it. Because it's a game, repeat play means they keep coming back for more."
The winning games will be demonstrated at the 2017 Serious Play Conference in July at George Mason University's Science and Technology Campus, USA. For more information, visit https://seriousplayconf.com/
A free demonstration and more about Zero Threat is available via email to [email protected].
About Preloaded:
Preloaded is a BAFTA-winning applied games studio making games with purpose. Founded in 2000, Preloaded has gained an international reputation, working with a mix of broadcasters, museums, brands, government organisations, charities and NGOs. Preloaded uses games to deliver transformational goals, such as learning new skills, changing behaviour, diagnosing conditions and improving kinesthetic and cognitive function.
The studio's methodology places the user at the centre of their design process, developing products that are designed to meet the needs of the audience whilst delivering the project's specific objectives. They are platform agnostic with a passion for touch-screens, motion controllers and Virtual Reality. Preloaded is part of Learning Technologies Group plc, a steadily growing group of specialist learning technology businesses.