News story is a finalist in e-Learning Awards category for The most innovative application of learning technology

Learning NewseOrigen has been short listed in the final stages of the e-Learning Awards for its work in developing, producing and delivering continuing innovative e-Learning solutions for the NHS in collaboration with the North West Strategic Health Authority’s latest and pro-active contribution to a new e-learning package for the Non-Medical Prescriber project addresses the continuing changes and challenges that the governments Non-Medical Prescribing initiative requires and forms a key element in the SHA's Non Medical Prescribing education strategy, and ultimately the government's drive to improve the public's access to medicines.

It continues to monitor changes and issues to meet the standards and competencies set down by the Department of Health, with an innovative multimedia content solution that engages and inspires learners with a high quality and interactive e-learning experience.

The target audience will be made up of nurses, midwives, health visitors, and pharmacists, together with additional professional groups such as physiotherapists, podiatrists and radiographers.

Now in its second year, the primary objective of the eLearning Awards is to recognise real excellence in the e-learning industry. An e-learning programme, project or strategy that is judged to be the best in that category for that year.

Receiving an award judged independently by the industry’s foremost e-learning association – the eLearning Network, means that the receiver has made more than a positive contribution their clients’ objectives. They will have created or produced something that will be looked at years later as something that is a benchmark, to which others in the industry can aspire to.

More importantly those that receive the awards will have excelled and will have been recognised in doing so, by the e-learning industry overall.