News story

Company directors gain an hour a day through improved email management

London, UKLearning NewsEmailogic

A survey has revealed that Directors and Senior Managers in the UK could save an hour every day through improved email management.

The news is startling as it equates to a total of £56 billion* worth of directors’ time potentially being wasted each year based on there being 4.5 million private sector companies** in the UK.

A survey has revealed that Directors and Senior Managers in the UK could save an hour every day through improved email management.

The news is startling as it equates to a total of £56 billion* worth of directors’ time potentially being wasted each year based on there being 4.5 million private sector companies** in the UK.

Not only is the value of this wasted time alarming, it is also shines a light on the loss of income generation and productivity that this hour could potentially generate.

Marc Powell, Managing Director of Emailogic, who conducted the survey: “This is highly significant because it is 20 hours per month of senior executive time – this is key personnel time being lost every day and will be having real impact on business productivity.”

Emailogic studied a sample of 115 senior directors and partners from sectors as diverse as pharmaceuticals, banking, law and retail who had undertaken email productivity training. The results show that 3 weeks after attending they are spending an average of 59 minutes each day reading, writing and managing their email.

Anecdotal feedback from the survey also revealed that the time wasted on a lack of effective email management is preventing senior staff from managing their teams effectively.

Other statistics from the research included a 40% reduction in the times Directors checked their email - leaving them more able to prioritise and focus on other work rather than the distractions of their inboxes.

Powell says: “It has been proven that email users are obsessed with checking their inbox incessantly – they are concerned with missing something and having to play catch up due to high volume. They need some simple tips to help them manage their email more effectively.”

3 key tips for Directors to manage their email more efficiently are:

1. Do not answer emails as you receive them - constant interruptions will make you less focused - turn off audible and visual alerts and check emails at intervals.
2. Let staff know clearly if they copy you in on information you do not need. If you do not you will be sending them a message that copying you in unnecessarily is OK and they will keep doing it.
3. Write clear meaningful subject lines - then your recipients can prioritise from their inbox. You will also start receiving them back so it will help you prioritise.

For more details about the Survey please go to
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* Taking an average annual salary per Director of £90k - source
** Source Department for Business Innovation & Skills