DuPont Sustainable Solutions Delivers a New Safety Orientation Training Program
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has released Safety Orientation: A New Way of Thinking, a new safety orientation training program that provides an overview of various workplace safety topics, including personal protective equipment (PPE), bloodborne pathogens (BBPs), fire safety, electrical safety, and slips, trips, and falls.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has released Safety Orientation: A New Way of Thinking, a new safety orientation training program that provides an overview of various workplace safety topics, including personal protective equipment (PPE), bloodborne pathogens (BBPs), fire safety, electrical safety, and slips, trips, and falls.
The program walks viewers through the ins and outs of workplace safety. It describes the different kinds of PPE, including helmets, gloves, respirators and foot guards and explains the role of each. The training points also cover chemical safety basics like Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and how to store and handle flammable liquids.
The program outlines the R.A.C.E. acronym for fire safety and P.A.S.S. method for fire extinguishers and presents safe lifting tips to help prevent back injuries. Safety Orientation: A New Way of Thinking identifies the three common forms of bloodborne pathogens and offers ways to reduce exposure. Finally, the program lists the seven steps of lockout/tagout and gives standard safety guidance to help prevent slips, trips and falls.
This training program is designed for new hires or to be used as refresher training for veteran employees. It is available as a DVD, streaming video and coming soon as an interactive, customizable online training course.
Additional information is available by calling 800-861-2221[email protected]. A free online preview of the program is accessible at www.training.dupont.com. Preview and purchase online or get instant access with CoastalFlix™ streaming video. Follow us on Twitter at @DSSLearning.
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