DuPont Sustainable Solutions Cooks Up 10-Part Food Safety Training Series
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has launched a new food safety series consisting of 10 safety training courses that present an up-to-date look at the various aspects of food safety, from hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCPs) and sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs) to sanitation, hygiene and facility security.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has launched a new food safety series consisting of 10 safety training courses that present an up-to-date look at the various aspects of food safety, from hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCPs) and sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs) to sanitation, hygiene and facility security.
Food Safety: An Introduction describes major food safety risks and discusses how regulatory and advisory agencies help keep our food supply safe. Food Safety: HACCP outlines the seven principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, and stresses its benefits over end-product testing. Food Safety: Cleaning and Sanitizing identifies various techniques and procedures – including GMPs and SSOPs – to clean and sanitize equipment and facilities.
Food Safety: Personal Hygiene discusses how personal hygiene impacts food safety and describes best hygiene practices for employees. Food Safety: Maintenance and Sanitation advises non-food handlers on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), including ways to prevent cross-contamination of equipment. Food Safety: Foodborne Illness introduces three types of food-related hazards and lists measures to manage each kind. Food Safety: Dangerous Microorganisms takes a closer look at how facilities can prevent contamination from bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins.
Food Safety: Allergen Control shows how facilities can manage the eight major allergens in the United States, plus four recognized in Canada. Food Safety: Ensuring Quality reviews the four key standards of quality and describes food certification programs. Food Safety: Facility Security discusses the importance of quality controls, internal audits, and security procedures in keeping food safe.
The 10 courses can be used together or purchased separately as stand-alone programs. They are available as DVDs, streaming video, and interactive, customizable online training courses.
Additional information is available by calling 800-861-2221 or emailing [email protected]. Free online previews of the courses are accessible at www.training.dupont.com. Preview and purchase online or get instant access with CoastalFlix™ streaming video.