DuPont Sustainable Solutions Premieres New Office Safety Training Program
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has developed a new safety training program to help employees identify and avoid four common office safety issues: falls, ergonomic injuries, being struck by objects and electrocution.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has developed a new safety training program to help employees identify and avoid four common office safety issues: falls, ergonomic injuries, being struck by objects and electrocution.
In OSI: Office Safety Investigation, Brandon, a young employee and the newest member of the safety committee, explains how these incidents occur and how they can be prevented.
The program follows Brandon as he helps other committee members investigate recent workplace mishaps and develops video presentations that illustrate at-risk behaviors, unsafe conditions and safety checklists.
Each video presentation features Brandon’s colorful yet insightful commentary. In his videos, he speaks about the importance of proper housekeeping to help prevent office falls, discusses the five categories of ergonomic injuries, describes safe ladder use and proper lifting procedures and illustrates the elements of an ergonomic workstation.
Brandon also compares being hit by objects to striking a piñata, offers housekeeping tips to prevent such incidents explains how a colleague got electrocuted and provides basic electrical safety tips.
OSI: Office Safety Investigation helps dispel a misconception that office work poses few hazards; yet over 80,000 office workers were injured in one year alone; and in another year, ergonomic issues accounted for almost 33 percent of workplace injuries that required time off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
With lively commentary and entertaining presentation, this program, currently available on DVD and coming soon as an interactive online training course, helps organizations engage employees while educating them on office safety issues.
OSI: Office Safety Investigation is available now in English and will be available in Spanish and Portuguese. Additional information is available by calling 800-861-2221 or emailing [email protected]. A free online preview is accessible at www.training.dupont.com.