DuPont Sustainable Solutions Targets Distracted Drivers with New Program
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has introduced Distracted Driving: Game Over, a new safety training program on DVD that stresses the dangers of distracted driving and urges drivers to stay focused on the road.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions has introduced Distracted Driving: Game Over, a new safety training program on DVD that stresses the dangers of distracted driving and urges drivers to stay focused on the road.
Distracted Driving: Game Over features a sinister "game master" who taunts a driver with a virtual ride called "Stay Alive." Following their journey, this program identifies types of distractions and the consequences of focusing on non-essential tasks. A compelling animation simulates what happens when drivers take their eyes off the road even for a second.
Incorporating sobering statistics, Distracted Driving: Game Over addresses driver complacency, the tendency to maximize every second, and the dangerous habit of multitasking. It emphasizes that driving already requires drivers to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and requires their full, undivided attention. The program ends with safety recommendations and a look at why driving should never be treated like a game.
The newest program in DuPont Sustainable Solutions’ driving safety training series, Distracted Driving: Game Over is available now in English and will be available in Spanish and Portuguese. Those interested in ordering a free seven-day preview of the program should call 800-861-7668 or email [email protected]. A free online preview is available at www.training.dupont.com.