Coastal Releases "Combustible Dust" Safety Training Program
Coastal Training Technologies has released a timely program to address an issue that puts thousands of facilities and their surrounding communities at risk. Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash explores the nature of dust explosions and examines how they can be prevented.
Coastal Training Technologies has released a timely program to address an issue that puts thousands of facilities and their surrounding communities at risk. Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash explores the nature of dust explosions and examines how they can be prevented.
Providing superb introduction to the problem, Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash pinpoints the types of dust prone to ignition and cites the five elements needed for an explosion: oxygen, heat, fuel, dispersion and confinement. The program explores where and how explosions can occur and examines the focus of the hazard assessment process: materials, operations, physical spaces (hidden or otherwise) and potential ignition sources. Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash also advocates the use of MSDS as part of a hazard communication program as well as hotwork and confined space permits. Most importantly, it illustrates ways to prevent dust explosions, citing housekeeping measures, proper ventilation, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and injury-and-damage regulation.
The release of Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash comes amidst a string of combustible dust explosions that date back to the 1980s. The Chemical and Safety Board reports that from 1980 to 2005, 218 such incidents have occurred, killing 119 workers, injuring 718 more and damaging industrial facilities. This year alone, an explosion destroyed a sugar refinery in Georgia, which left more than a dozen workers dead and scores more injured. The tragedy exposed the urgent need for combustible dust standards and effective employee training. Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash is a timely response to such a pressing need.
For more information on Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash, call 877-COASTAL, fax 757-306-2532, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.coastal.com. The program is available for free 7-day preview.
Coastal Training Technologies Corp. is the world's leading publisher of safety, industrial skills and employee development training programs. Since 1984, more than 200,000 training professionals have relied on Coastal's award-winning products to enrich the lives of more than 30 million employees worldwide.