Coastal HealthTrain Offers A Must-Have Infection-Control Program
Coastal HealthTrain offers a program that deals with a perennial threat to healthcare professionals. BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It examines the ever-present danger of bloodborne pathogens and explains how they can be prevented. The program identifies common BBPs, traces their transmission routes and cites infection-control measures.
The cornerstone of BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It is prevention. The program outlines standard precautions, engineering controls, sharps safety, personal protective equipment, housekeeping and the exposure control plan. Engineering controls include the use of autoclaves, sharps disposal containers, and needleless systems. Safe work practices consist of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hand-hygiene guidelines, food-and-drink safety, and the proper use of gloves, resuscitation devices, gowns, surgical caps, and shoe covers. Housekeeping covers laundry mechanics, hygiene, and proper waste disposal.
The statistics on BBP infection are alarming. BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It reveals that despite the advances in medical technology, many individuals continue to be infected. The CDC estimates that over a million Americans have HIV, meanwhile the symptoms of Hepatitis B and C remain undetected in some cases, posing greater risks to others. Clearly, there must be vigilant and adequate BBP training, and Coastal HealthTrain's BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It responds to such a need.
BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It places the issue in a healthcare context to help health workers integrate safety into their day-to-day duties. They arguably face the greatest risk from bloodborne pathogens, since they are in close and constant proximity to blood and Other Potentially Infectious Material (OPIM).
BBP In Your World: Don't Risk It is available on DVD, video, print or online format. The program is also available for a free seven-day trial. To watch a free preview or to get more information on this program call 800-729-4325, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.coastalhealth.com.