O'Neal Steel uses Coastal DVDs for safety training
Coastal DVDs offer programs on a full range of topics that help O'Neal Steel machine operators, welders, drill press operators, forklift drivers and other industrial employees work safely and avoid injury. Coastal DVDs feature English and Spanish versions on the same disc - some contain Portuguese as well; chapterized content for easy access; a customizable PowerPoint® presentation; and a printable Leader's Guide.
Coastal DVD, A Case Study
The Organization: O'Neal Steel, Inc.
Services Provided: Metal service center that provides plates, sheets and coils, alloy bars and other steel products
Contact: Frank Lakotich, Corporate Manager, Safety and Security
The Challenge
Providing safety training for an industrial workforce
The Solution
Lakotich and his staff selected Coastal DVDs because of their:
* comprehensive coverage
* new approach to standard topics
* ease of use
* classroom training capabilities
* compelling safety message
Comprehensive coverage
Coastal DVDs offer programs on a full range of topics that help O'Neal Steel machine operators, welders, drill press operators, forklift drivers and other industrial employees work safely and avoid injury. "Coastal provides a full range of DVD titles that benefit all of our employees," according to Lakotich.
New approach to standard topics
With the continued introduction of new DVDs, Coastal's customers benefit from a fresh approach to safety training. "We're looking for new approaches to standard topics," Lakotich says. "Coastal offers a variety of safety training programs that present the topics from different angles. This is especially beneficial to long-time employees who have been viewing the programs for years. But new employees also benefit from the fresh approach, because the programs include up-to-date information on important safety topics that help us stay compliant with the latest OSHA regulations."
Ease of use
Coastal DVDs are fast becoming a popular training vehicle because they're so easy to use. "They're much more desired and easier to use than video," according to Lakotich. "You don't have to rewind, there's less damage than a tape and it wears a lot harder. You put it in and play it right away. The quality is better and the play back is better. There are no tracking and scan problems."
Coastal DVDs also feature English and Spanish versions on the same disc - some contain Portuguese as well; chapterized content for easy access; a customizable PowerPoint® presentation; and a printable Leader's Guide.
Compelling safety message
O'Neal Steel employees operate dangerous machinery with inherent injury risks, especially strains, sprains and hand injuries, according to Lakotich. "Coastal DVDs increase safety awareness and help employees work safely and avoid injury," he says. "When our employees train with Coastal DVDs they understand the risks of their jobs and how to avoid them, so they can stay safe while performing their essential duties."
The Execution
Company-wide training
O'Neal Steel operates 27 locations in 15 states with recent acquisitions expanding the operation to 65 locations. Three thousand employees at all locations train with Coastal DVDs.
Group training
O'Neal Steel holds monthly training meetings for groups of 15-30 employees. Coastal DVDs are the primary source of training at these meetings. The handbooks that accompany the DVDs are handed out to employees and supervisors lead safety discussions. "It's a great format for group training," Lakotich says. "The employees watch the programs, view the handbooks and participate in discussions that help them internalize the information to stay safe."
Individualized training
Lakotich explained how O'Neal Steel uses Coastal DVDs for individual and small group training as well. Those who have specialized tasks use specific programs to get the training they need. For instance, forklift operators use the forklift training programs on DVD, while first responders who treat injured employees use the bloodborne pathogens training programs on DVD. The employees can play the DVDs on their computers in an individual setting or they can be shown to small groups on a DVD player.
The Result
"We've seen an improvement - there has been a reduction in the number and severity of injuries," Lakotich says. "Our employees enjoy watching the DVDs and find them very rewarding in making them aware of the hazards of the workplace. They are well produced and cover the topics comprehensively."
"We've trained over 3,000 employees with Coastal DVDs."
The Future
"We'll continue using Coastal DVDs and look forward to the new programs that are available on DVD that provide the latest safety information for our employees," Lakotich says.