One For All - Teamwork the Meerkat Way from COASTALAMI
Yes, your employees can learn something from meerkats! These tiny animals use teamwork and cooperation to ensure their survival while enduring the extreme conditions of the Kalahari desert!
Maxine A. Cosbert
Coastal Training Technologies Corp.
PHONE: 757-498-9014
FAX: 757-431-1269
EMAIL: [email protected]
Virginia Beach, Va., December 28, 2006 -- CoastalAMI announces the release of One For All - Teamwork the Meerkat Way an inspirational new program that utilizes riveting footage of meerkats in their natural habitat using teamwork and cooperation to ensure their survival.
Everybody loves meerkats. But as a species, the meerkat should never have survived at all. These tiny, vulnerable creatures live in an incredibly hostile environment full of savage predators, such as jackals and martial eagles. The fact that they survive at all can be attributed to a single extraordinary talent: their ability to cooperate and create an interdependent culture. That is the heart of this upbeat and informative documentary-style training program. Beautifully filmed by BBC crews, One for All can work wonders to improve an attitude of teamwork and cooperation in any organization.
CoastalAMI trains the global work force, providing innovative employee training DVDs, videos, e-learning courses, CD-ROMs and handbooks that help improve the safety and quality of life for workers around the world. For more information about CoastalAMI, call 800-767-7703, fax 757-498-3657, email [email protected], or visit www.coastalami.com.
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