Docebo ranked in the top 10 learning management systems by '2014 State of LMS Industry' Report
In Craig Weiss’ independent Learning Management Systems report of 2014, Docebo was ranked #7 out of more than 580 LMSs currently available on the market at worldwide level.
Docebo (www.docebo.com), proudly announces its inclusion in the top 10 of the best Learning Management Systems in the last Craig Weiss’ work - “2014 LMS market Report”.
The report not only provides a detailed analysis of the most notable E-Learning Solution providers, but it also explores the state of the business and the related opportunities segmented by continent. The document underlines with clear facts and figures the top trends, topics and predictions for each area, giving a comprehensive overview about the international Learning Management System Markets.
Craig Weiss states that “the one click apps along with courses show off the forward thinking of this LMS” and ranks Docebo #7 out of more than 580 LMSs currently available on the market.
Docebo approach is highlighted by the following pluses:
- One click apps and courses, simply click and they appear in LMS
- Modern user interface
- LMS automatically comes with some courses (at no charge)
- Built-in video converter
Should you be interested in more information about this, please visit Docebo’s official website.