Docebo helps manufacturing company mix traditional classroom training with online learning programs
A brand new Docebo-SAME DEUTZ-FAHR case study explains how online learning technologies can help manufacturing companies manage blended curricula including classroom-based training, E-Learning, and tablet learning.
Docebo (www.docebo.com) and SAME DEUTZ-FAHR (www.samedeutz-fahr.com) present a success story about how they applied the latest in Learning Management Systems to reinforce quality and create customized trainings effectively for a large and dispersed community.
The strategy of SAME DEUTZ-FAHR, which has long been oriented towards internationalization, is strongly focused on continuously training and preparing their dealers for new challenges, enabling them to optimize customer service and improve sales negotiations, by bringing their product expertise more effectively to the market.
Thanks to the adoption of the Docebo Premium E-Learning Platform, the SDF Academy was able to kick off an innovative process for the Global Corporate Training Strategy and its related methodologies, through mixing Instructor-led and Online Training approaches.
Roberto Corci, SDF - Training Manager, states: “With the high volume of reporting data that we have, it is critical for us to be able to focus our work on a single market development according to the history of any dealer, and hence segment the relevant KPIs.”
The SDF Academy significantly improved its management process of classroom and online training, by utilizing the endless potential of the Docebo E-Learning platform. In general, the data regarding usage and completion of educational programs was extremely useful for fine-tuning and improving on the whole training process.
The complementary document can be downloaded from Docebo's website: Docebo and SAME DEUTZ-FAHR e-learning in the manufacturing field.
About Same Deutz-Fahr:
SAME DEUTZ-FAHR (SDF) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of tractors, combine harvesters, specialistic harvesters, diesel engines and farm machinery. It distributes products through the DEUTZ-FAHR, SAME, Lamborghini Trattori, Hürlimann, Grégoire and Lamborghini Green Pro brands.. For further information: http://www.samedeutz-fahr.com