Docebo announces the DConf 2013: Cloud Business Apps & Services Summit
Docebo presents DConf 2013, a premier International gathering where IT key experts, visioneers, doers and opinion leaders will join and share their success stories, industry best practices and new ideas in the area of Cloud, SaaS, Business Solutions and E-Learning.
Naples, April 30th, 2013 - Docebo (www.docebo.com) is honored to announce the DConf 2013 - http://www.d-conf.com/ - that will be held on June 27th and 28th, 2013 in the beautiful scenary of Palazzo delle Stelline, in Milan, Italy.
Organized by Grafo Ventures and Powered by Docebo, a disruptive Cloud E-Learning solutions provider, DConf 2013 is a real chance to make key business connections, create synergies and alliances, raising industry awareness and connecting the dots between the words SaaS, Cloud, Learning and Knowledge Management, Big Data and Business Apps.
Docebo is expanding its vision of E-Learning Ecosystem and believes that is mission critical to innovate through Business Applications, to share and understand the value of new generation apps, solutions and services that will enable Companies of any size to create a humane and integrated learning environment, while lowering total cost of ownership, eliminating inefficiency, building agile IT Infrastructure and increase productivity.
The International guest speakers will share their experiences, success stories, business insights and case studies. Disruptive start-ups, Blue-Chip Corporate executives and financial investors will mesh their how-to’s and challenge the audience with their backgrounds, visions and beliefs.
The objective of this premiere Event is to:
- Network and collaborate with key leaders and product experts from the Cloud, Saas and E-Learning communities
- Experience the latest solution innovations, new products, and technologies
- Create synergies to explore new avenues of opportunities and discover how to create the real business value that will enable participants to get the most out of their LMS Solutions
Docebo reveals also keynotes speakers to endorse the business value of those technologies and practices that will have an impact on the way the most experienced IT pros in the world will run, deliver and manage their businesses:
- Entrepreneurs: John Powell, founder of Alfresco; Alastair Mitchell, founder of Huddle, Victor Henning, founder of Mendeley, (now Elsevier)
- Investors: Chris Tottman, partner of Notion Capital, a 100M$ fund focused on SaaS; Philippe Collombel, partner of Partech International, investors in Akimbi (acquired by VMWare) and ClearApp (acquired by Oracle); Mark Farmer, partner of Eden Ventures, investors in Reevo and Basekit
- Executives: Fiona Cullen, VP Europe of IBM; Filippo Rizzante, partner of Reply
The agenda will cover the following themes:
Day 1, Hotspots:
- Cloud business apps & services: state of the art and market drivers
- SaaS related business cases and success stories by those who built tangible success
Day 2, Hotspots:
- Learning Management meets Big Data, the emerging Tin Can (also known as XApi) E-Learning standard
- Learning Technologies, what is still a niche market and how to unleash its potential
The event is free since it aims at involving International professionals interested in the next generation market trends.