Docebo ranked #12 in the Capterra's most popular LMS list
Capterra’s list about the most popular LMSs, measured on a total number of customers, active users, and online presence, rewards Docebo as a worldwide top 15 Learning Management System.
Docebo, a Learning Management System deployed in the Cloud and delivered As a Service, has been recognized by Capterra as one of the top 15 LMS in the market
According to Capterra, this report has been created by measuring a combination of LMSs’ total number of users and active users, but also the Companies’ online presence on Social Networks like facebook, linkedin and twitter.
“We’re delighted to see that a major portal like Capterra recognizes Docebo as a top player in the worldwide LMS market” states Claudio Erba, CEO of Docebo. “Our LMS is exponentially growing thanks to the SaaS approach, and also the audience around the Docebo E-Learning world is getting bigger day by day”.
Docebo has been ranked #12 out of 290 LMS solutions listed on Capterra’s website. The infographic about winning companies reports about 5.000 Docebo customers, as well as a huge number of facebook followers (currently near the goal of 20.000 users).
The top 20 most popular LMS list can be found on Capterra’s website.
For more information about the Docebo’s Learning Management System is available at www.docebo.com.