News story

Waste time at Develop!

Whtiwell, Rutland, UKLearning NewsDevelop Training

Develop's first steps into Environmental Training show immediate results.

After only 2 months in existence, Develop's new Environmental Unit has won its first contract to deliver NVQ level 4 Waste Management Operations – Managing the Treatment of Non-Hazardous Waste.

The contract, awarded by Anglian Water, will see 31 people through the NVQ process to achieve a Waste Management Information and Training Advisory Board (WAMITAB) accredited NVQ4 and Certificate of Technical Competence such that the Environment Agency will grant them a licence to run some of their larger sludge treatment centres.

The programme kicks off in September for a period of eighteen months. The preceding months will be spent producing the programme and materials and communicating with the client, assessors and internal verifier to ensure that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities and that the expectations of the client are met.

This is a significant step for the new unit as it is their first booking and has enormously boosted the confidence of all those involved.

Waste Management is a significant environmental issue that affects all aspects from packaging manufacturers to waste disposal sites. There is a whole range of WAMITAB accredited NVQs (levels 1 to 4) that Develop intends to be in a position to deliver in the future. Now the first order is secured, it's full steam ahead.