Maersk to Offer Employees Anytime, Anywhere Learning with Cornerstone OnDemand
Maersk to deploy Cornerstone Learning and Cornerstone Connect across 89,000 global employees to promote collaborative learning.
Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD), a global leader in cloud-based talent management software solutions, today announced that Maersk, a worldwide conglomerate in transportation and energy, has selected Cornerstone’s learning management system (LMS), Cornerstone Learning, and Cornerstone Connect, Cornerstone’s social collaboration application, to deliver learning and development and ensure compliance across its organisation.
The agreement, which was signed in fall 2015, provides Maersk with solutions to help their employees access important training courses and collaborate with their peers, no matter their location or network connection, via mobile, collaborative and offline learning capabilities.
Maersk employs more than 89,000 employees – many of whom work remotely or in the field – across 130 countries. Maersk is involved in a wide range of activities in the shipping, logistics, and oil and gas industries, and it is considered one of the largest container ship and supply vessel operators in the world.
With such a large workforce spanning multiple industries, Maersk was in search of a modern LMS that would not only be cost effective but that would also serve several business needs.
By implementing Cornerstone Learning and Cornerstone Connect, Maersk will be able to: - Engage its workforce and enable anytime, anywhere learning.
Whether in an office or on an oil rig, Maersk’s employees will be able to access necessary training and collaborate with their peers through Cornerstone’s mobile, offline and collaborative learning capabilities. Maersk will be able deliver blended learning opportunities across its organisation, from instructor-led training, e-learning and virtual learning opportunities, to certifications and compliance, via one centralised system.
The additional use of Connect will enable Maersk to facilitate true knowledge sharing within the organisation, where employees can submit their own content, learn best practices and teach each other through instructional videos.
- Ensure employee compliance.
As an organisation operating in highly-regulated industries such as transportation and energy, it is imperative for Maersk’s HR and business leaders to have visibility across the organisation for compliance reporting. Cornerstone’s cloud-based software allows managers to instantly determine which employees are in compliance and take swift action with those who are at risk of non-compliance.
- Accelerate employee performance.
Maersk will be able to boost employee productivity by offering its workforce the ability to access a cohesive learning experience from any mobile device, whether online or offline, with a much more intuitive user interface than Maersk’s prior LMS. This will help foster a culture where employees not only complete their assigned training in time, but also actively seek relevant learning courses and materials on an ongoing basis to advance their own careers.
Comments on the News
“We knew we needed a modern, robust system to manage our people, and it was important to us to have a system that promoted collaboration through learning,” said Mads Ingholt, head of leadership development at Maersk.
“Additionally, offline learning through Cornerstone will allow our remote workforce to complete training and compliance certifications in locations like oil rigs, while our flexible workforce can train on a smartphone from home or any location. Cornerstone Learning will make it convenient and simple for our employees to continue to develop professionally and stay up-to-date with training and compliance.”
“We’re thrilled to offer Maersk comprehensive learning and development solutions that will enable them to help their employees realise their potential,” said Vincent Belliveau, executive vice president and general manager of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Cornerstone OnDemand.
“We’re firm believers in the value of collaborative, mobile and offline learning as part of an overall blended learning strategy. Many of our clients who have taken a similar approach with their learning strategies have seen impressive results in terms of better employee engagement and an overall more productive workforce.”
Additional Resources
- For more information about Cornerstone Learning, visit www.csod.com/learning.
- For more information about Cornerstone Connect, visit www.csod.com/connect.
- To learn more about how Learning and Connect can help facilitate collaborative learning in organisations, visit www.csod.com/collaborative-learning.
About Maersk
The Maersk Group is a worldwide organisation with about 89,000 employees and offices in around 130 countries. In addition to owning one of the world’s largest shipping companies, Maersk is also involved in a wide range of activities within the energy, shipping and manufacturing industries. In 2014, Maersk Group was no. 172 in the Fortune Global 500 listing.