CM Group and Telefónica: how mobile learning has transformed digital learning delivery
Discover how Telefónica and other leading organisations are integrating mobile learning into their learning and development programmes during two informative and thought-provoking seminars at Learning Technologies Show 2015.
- Supporting the extended enterprise with mobile ready learning, hosted by CM Group on the 28th January 14:00 - 14:30 in seminar theatre 4
- Induction training for millennials via mobile devices, hosted by Telefónica on the 29th January 13:50 - 15:00, main conference programme: Learning design for all – T4S5
Aimed at HR and Learning & Development professionals, CM Group’s seminar will showcase the practical steps taken by a range of large enterprises and midsized businesses to integrate mobile learning and performance support solutions into their learning and development programmes. The seminar will cover a number of different scenarios including induction, compliance, field sales, performance support and just-in-time training.
Alex Mackman, Technical Director at CM Group said “With examples drawn from our work with large international IT companies, banks, universities, retailers and telecom giants, I will showcasehow those organisations are using the latest Luminosity mobile learning solutions to support their extended enterprises, including employees, suppliers, distributors, partners and customers with mobile ready learning.”
During their main conference session, Telefónica will reveal the journey they undertook to provide their millennial workers with induction training via mobile devices.
The session is a must attend for any organisation wanting to embark on a mobile learning project. Telefónica will share their experiences of the Discover App project: from identifying where to start with a mobile learning project, to making the business case, to the launch of the App, onto understanding what the reports are saying about usage and users’ experiences.”
CM Group will be on stand 102 to discuss how Telefónica and other organisations worldwide are transforming the way they deliver digital learning content using the range of Luminosity mobile learning solutions.