eLearning from CM Group to assist the Aircraft Carrier Alliance in delivering the UK’s new flagships
The Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) is a unique partnership between BAE Systems, Thales, Babcock and the UK Ministry of Defence. The ACA will deliver the UK’s new flagship aircraft carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.
In a shipbuilding programme that spans over a decade, it promises to be a large and highly complex project for the ACA. To help ensure that work practices across the different Alliance members are standardised and harmonised, an eLearning programme will deliver project management and process training to Control Account Managers (CAMs) in the different constituent organisations.
To ensure the project management knowledge and skills of all the CAMs is at the highest standard, CM Group has been selected to create and deliver nine eLearning courses to train the CAMs on the end-to-end Earned Value Management (EVM) methodology being adopted across the project. With the CAMs originating from various business units and geographies, the eLearning will enable ACA to eliminate any areas of weakness and build on the strengths of the dispersed team.
Louise Wild, Head of Performance at ACA said, “CM Group was selected to create the eLearning content due to their proven history of delivering high quality and engaging eLearning, quickly and cost effectively.”
CM Group will create eLearning courses using its own rapid, collaborative eLearning authoring tool, Luminosity Studio. The eLearning courses will be made available to ACA staff via Luminosity Reach, CM Group’s Learning Management System (LMS). CM Group’s technical capability will ensure that users utilising old versions of browsers such as Microsoft’s IE6, through to the latest IE10, as well as the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox can access a single version of each course. Each course will be fully customised to match ACA’s corporate branding, and will contain a varied mix of rich media and learner interactions.
“CM Group was able to demonstrate a clear understanding of our learning initiatives and how it will assist ACA in achieving our business objectives,” commented David Johnson, Head of Resource Management at ACA.
Find out more about CM Group's eLearning content creation services and solutions.