Virgin Trains Goes Greener with eLearning from CM Group
Virgin Trains selects CM Group to produce an innovative new eLearning programme to further enhance the environmental awareness of Virgin Trains employees.
Improving its environmental performance has been a priority for Virgin Trains for a long time. And with over 31 million customers choosing train travel over the car or plane last year, it clearly is for the public too. Virgin Trains is now looking to further enhance its environmental credentials by working with CM Group, a global leader in the field of innovative learning solutions.
Virgin Trains chose CM Group to create the eLearning due to their experienced and highly skilled instructional design and media teams. With over 13 years’ experience of designing and creating eLearning, CM Group is ideally placed to transform the subject of environmental sustainability into a stimulating eLearning programme. CM Group will use its own rapid and collaborative eLearning authoring tool, Luminosity Studio, to produce the high quality and engaging web based eLearning, quickly and cost effectively in HTML5 format.
As existing users of Luminosity Studio, Virgin Trains will be able to update the eLearning themselves in the future to reflect environmental policy developments or legislation changes – thereby future proofing their eLearning. The eLearning course will be delivered to over 3,000 Virgin Trains employees via Luminosity Reach, CM Group’s cloud based Learning Management System (LMS).
“The passion for the environment shown by Virgin Trains has been infectious” said David Ashby, Learning Solutions Consultant at CM Group. “They are very proud of the strides they have taken in reducing their environmental impact. The eLearning programme will form a big part of enhancing their environmental performance even further.”