CM Group reduces reliance on public App stores to deliver mobile learning content
As more organisations provide their employees with access to mobile learning content via tablets and smartphones, organisations have become reliant on Apple’s App Store, Google Play and Windows Store to deliver the content via multiple Apps.
CM Group’s mobile learning platform, Luminosity Motion, delivers a wide range of mobile learning content and materials to users’ devices within a single native App, removing the need for multiple separate Apps and a reliance on third-party App stores to deliver the learning content.
The Luminosity Motion mobile learning platform is used by some of the world’s largest organisations to host learning and reference content, including courses, videos and performance support tools. These are targeted for delivery to specific learner groups within a native App which is resident on the user’s device. When additional learning content or updates become available, they are added to the central cloud based mobile learning platform and are automatically pushed out to the relevant groups of users.
The learning content is then accessed by users for offline consumption via a learning and corporate communications App from CM Group. CM Group’s Luminosity Mentor Apps are a range of native Apps available for iPad, iPhone, Android tablets and phones, and Windows 8 tablets and phones. Unlike Apps designed for a single piece of learning content, CM Group’s Apps enable additional functionality to be incorporated into the App, including catalogues, search, push updates, curriculum sequencing, SCORM tracking, user analytics and gamification.
CM Group’s Luminosity Mentor range of Apps also support a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategy. This removes the need for organisations to provide learners with corporate devices which would need to be used alongside an individuals’ personal mobile device. BYOD is proving increasingly popular with IT departments and users alike for its speed, flexibility and low cost.
Tim Buff, CEO and Chief Learning Strategist at CM Group said, “Delivering a single piece of learning content via a single App may be seen as the simpler and cheaper option to begin with. But, imagine what happens to a user’s device when 10 or 20 different pieces of learning content is delivered, each within its own App! Device navigation and usability reduces, degrading the learning experience. This architecture is fast to set up, flexible and highly scalable, enabling whole curricula and multiple different types of learning asset to be managed and distributed to learners on their mobile devices.”