CM Group work with RBS and NatWest to provide iPad based knowledge support for banking customers
RBS and NatWest banks use HTML5 mobile learning courses, central Mobile Learning Platform and iPad Apps from CM Group to distribute knowledge support for small businesses.
RBS, the UK's biggest bank, has enhanced its service offering to small business customers by providing high quality HTML5 based eLearning and support materials across a wide range of employment law, environmental and health and safety topic areas. The learning and support materials are all hosted on CM Group's Luminosity Motion Mobile Learning Platform and delivered to RBS and NatWest small business customers via an iPad App.
CM Group provides the complete end-to-end solution consisting of creation, distribution and App based content consumption for both RBS and NatWest banks. The integrated solution underlines RBS's commitment to support its customers with the latest innovative, high quality, up-to-date support services.
Working alongside the bank's own subject matter experts, CM Group created a range of HTML5 based eLearning courses using its Luminosity Studio collaborative eLearning authoring tool. The courses were combined together with a range of corporate communications such as RSS, news, blog and Twitter feeds. This rich and fully expandable set of content is hosted on the Luminosity Motion Mobile Learning Platform and distributed to customers via CM Group's Luminosity Mentor iPad Apps. The Apps carry each of the banks' corporate branding and provide customers with a single interface to access a range of learning and corporate communications resources, together with reference materials and performance support tools all of which can be consumed offline and on the move.
CM Group's cloud based Mobile Learning Platform allows for new and updated content to be pushed out to learners quickly and easily from a single, centrally managed point. This means the bank can keep the content, and therefore their customers, fully up to date.
"It was crucial to ensure that the user interface was smooth and attractive to support the bank's reputation as a leading provider of financial services," said Alex Mackman, Chief Technology Officer at CM Group. "Equally important was the end-to-end infrastructure which enables the content to be easily controlled from a central point and be kept fully up-to-date. It means that different elements of courses and reference materials, together with performance support tools can be targeted on selected user groups to provide really powerful learner support."
Read more about how RBS enhanced its service offering to small business customers by providing high quality HTML5 based eLearning.