The UK’s new Bribery Act 2010 came into effect on 1 July 2011, is it an opportunity or a threat? Training on the Bribery Act 2010 from James Vine and CM Group now available.
The Bribery Act 2010 covers all organisations operating in or controlled from the UK. Organisations of all types need to ensure that they have taken all reasonable steps to ensure compliance. So part of the challenge set by the Act is to ensure that all managers, staff and associates are trained in the context and requirements of the new Act and that a reliable audit trail of the training is maintained.
CM Group is one of the country’s leading eLearning producers and in the area of business conduct and ethical behaviours alone, last year helped train over 85,000 people all over the world.
James Vine is a leading Barrister specialising in the Bribery Act. He is an expert communicator and regular speaker on the topic, delivering seminars and leading discussion forums all over the UK.
“we should see the Bribery Act as a positive opportunity for all to enjoy a level playing field, abide by the same rules, strengthen our reputation for clean business practices and increase our business opportunities.”
… James Vine
With CM Group’s strengths in producing ethical and compliance eLearning of the highest quality and James Vine’s unparalleled expertise on the Bribery Act, this training provides accessible, accurate, reliable and up to date training on this important area.
The course will equip managers, staff and “associates” in all types of organisations types with everything they need to know. The course is available online or optionally available for delivery through clients’ own Learning Management System. Clients can have it branded and tailored at their option. With a workbook and completion certificate included, the course is available for just £15 +VAT for individuals and for less for the largest organisations.
For an informal discussion of the new Bribery Act 2010, what it is all about and how it affects you, take a look at the learning blog
To find out more about the new course click here