Content Master, part of CM Group reported as UK's fourth largest creator of bespoke eLearning courses for clients in 'IT Training' magazine's 2010 survey
The company increased its bespoke eLearning course creation revenues by over 11% at a time when much of the training industry was feeling the squeeze.
Content Master is the division of CM Group which specialises in the creation of bespoke eLearning courses for clients in a whole range of topic areas including IT, legal and compliance, management skills, sales training, financial services and job skills and procedures. Courseware clients include organisations as diverse as Microsoft, Orange and Amazon.
Commenting on the results of the survey, CM Group Managing Director Tim Buff said; "Despite the recession we were able to achieve a good level of sales. We have been consciously using technology within Content Master to consistently drive down the cost of courses for our clients, whilst maintaining quality and increasing delivery speeds. We've been able to do this largely because of the Luminosity product suite which we use internally, as well as selling to those clients who want to create some, or all of their courses themselves. But even when the combined effect of recession and this reduction in prices is taken into account we were very pleased to see a good level of growth in the year-on-year figures."