CM Group launching LUMINOSITY SYNERGY, a revolutionary new SaaS based, eLearning course review system on 28 Sept - World of Learning, NEC, Birmingham, UK
News for all eLearning producers using all authoring tools: Leading eLearning authoring software supplier CM Group has confirmed the launch of their latest innovative eLearning product. LUMINOSITY SYNERGY provides a dramatic new way to enable invited stakeholders from within and outside an organisation to review and comment on draft eLearning courses. The product is aimed at small , medium and large eLearning producers who need a convenient way to gather and manage reviews of their work.
Often the person reviewing a new eLearning course is a subject expert or a business manager. Their time is valuable, especially if they are on the staff of an external customer organisation. LUMINOSITY SYNERGY makes it easy and quick for even occasional reviewers to use the system, saving them time and effort. The whole review experience becomes painless and productive which will significantly improve the whole experience of an eLearning producer and its customer.
Previously, reviewing draft eLearning courses and then gathering, triaging and managing feedback has been confusing and time consuming for both stakeholders and authors, with spreadsheets and side documents trying to keep track of multiple versions of review comments and answers. LUMINOSITY SYNERGY solves this by providing a secure online portal where invited reviewers can review eLearning courses and comment against each page in a tracked discussion thread. The benefit is that reviewers don't spend any time using separate tools and referencing comments, enabling them to better focus on the quality of the course. The entire review process is transformed into a simple and effective collaborative process.
As with all the other LUMINOSITY products, the focus has once again been on ease and speed of use; the interface is instantly intuitive and the result is faster, more professional, more effective reviews.
Technical Director Alex Mackman said, "LUMINOSITY SYNERGY is ideal for any eLearning producers who do not have collaborative authoring systems or for those whose older generation systems do not support this type of innovative review approach. LUMINOSITY SYNERGY works with any SCORM compliant courses whatever the authoring system was originally used to create them."
The LUMINOSITY product family are a flexible and scalable set of solutions to enable small to large organisations to deploy the practical benefits of eLearning. All share the combination of extreme ease of use together with rapid deployment and all deliver high quality results.
CM Group is launching two new products at the World of Learning Show in Birmingham on 28th -29th September: LUMINOSITY SYNERGY is a SaaS based online review portal for any SCORM compliant eLearning courses. Full details have not yet been released for the second Saas based product, called LUMINOSITY REACH.
CM Group invites its current and prospective partners to stand D120 at the NEC in Birmingham, UK on the 28th-29th September 2010 to see the new products and obtain no obligation free trials of the two new software products.