CM Group Announces Luminosity courses are now available on your phone
CM Group is excited to announce a mobile publication option for their Luminosity rapid eLearning course creation and management platform. Using the mobile publisher functionality within Luminosity, authors can output content to mobile phones and PDAs for offline study. Once downloaded to the mobile device, users can view the content in their own time and do not require a network connection.
The Luminosity mobile publisher supports the full range of Luminosity templates and component types - repackaged specifically to suit the mobile phone. Authors can create non-interactive video or audio based ("show and tell" style) presentations or they can choose to add elements of interactivity including click tables, tab tables, walkthrough components, interactive graphics, assessment questions and more. Authors can also customise their mobile output by using different skins, which control the look, feel and branding of the mobile course or presentation.
Accompanying the mobile publisher is a mobile catalogue application, which helps users manage and keep track of the content on their phone. The application displays all of the Luminosity content on their device in a condensed list. With a single tap or click, users can launch and display their selected course. The mobile solution is ideal for many different scenarios including company briefings for employees, new product briefings for sales staff, technical updates, help guides, and more.
Luminosity Mobile output supports the main phone and PDA devices and additional specific ones can be easily added on request.