Virtual College releases Choose to Stop, the first ever app aimed at abusive partners
Virtual College, a leading provider of e-learning in the UK worked with Lincoln Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (LIDAS) to produce and release the 'Choose to Stop' app.
The free App, the first of its kind, is aimed at providing useful information for people worried about their abusive behaviour towards their partner or family member in an easy-to-understand and accessible format.
Julie Rimington, Manager, Lincoln Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (LIDAS) said of the new app, "After the success of the 'Reduce the Risk App' for victims of domestic abuse, I'm really pleased we've developed an app that will hopefully help people who are worried about their own abusive behaviour, change their attitudes and behaviour before it seriously damages theirs, their partner's and their children's lives."
The app gives practical support to those worried about their own abusive behaviour and shows how to recognise the signs of abuse either in their own relationship or in someone close to them. The app covers topics such as advice on fair arguing and dealing with difficult situations without resorting to abuse. It also provides contact details for a raft of local and national support agencies.
LIDAS - Lincoln Integrated Domestic Abuse Services - is a small registered charity with a Management Committee, Management Team, staff and volunteers from diverse backgrounds with a range of skills and experience, who work together to support people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.