News story

A Lean NHS? - Meeting the Challenge of 'How?'

Leeds, EnglandLearning NewsVirtual College by Netex

There is little argument these days that the application of Lean is proving a successful method of bringing about sustainable improvements within the NHS. However, we are all still very much aware of the numerous high profile reports clamouring for the NHS to make more improvements, more quickly and at the same time cutting more costs. How can Lean help?

There is little argument these days that the application of Lean is proving a successful method of bringing about sustainable improvements within the NHS. However, we are all still very much aware of the numerous high profile reports clamouring for the NHS to make more improvements, more quickly and at the same time cutting more costs. How can Lean help?

Whilst our reaction may be the age old NHS solution to getting things done in a hurry: “employ someone else to do it for us”, we must realise that this can only ever be a partial solution. External consultancies can indeed help to hit the headline targets set before us, but what about the hundreds of smaller processes and systems? Who is best placed to improve these?

The answer lies within the core principles of Lean, to enable every employee to work as a change agent both individually or collectively within their organisation. No one knows a process better than the people who use it day-in, day-out. No one is better placed to provide an insight on the faults within the process or indeed to identify a way to make it more effective. This does, however, require a major change in current NHS culture.

Evidence points to the well known truth ‘seeing is believing’. When people experience the benefits that Lean can deliver for themselves, they are more likely to both apply and sustain these principles. It is therefore imperative that we provide all of our employees with the core tools and techniques required for them to get involved.

The Lean Healthcare Academy is already supporting 26 Trusts in the creation of such a culture through the provision of e-learning, training workshops and facilitation support. How can you benefit from their experience?

Come and see for yourself at the 2nd Annual Lean Exhibition and Awards on the 12th November 2009.

• Review real Lean projects
• Attend Lean workshops
• Talk to Trusts who are already benefiting from Lean

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