CareerBurst unlocks talent and drives career mobility with new strengths and motivation tools
The TWM core experience platform, incorporating CareerBurst, is a fully integrated digital platform that links learning and career development. Firm believers in continuous development, TWM is showcasing the latest functionality that CareerBurst has to offer at Learning Live in London.
Created by a team of learning experience and talent experts, with a track-record of helping organisations improve business performance, the latest developments include the Think Strengths! And Think Motivation! interactive applications.
Today’s learning leaders are seeking new ways to increase engagement, retain and develop talent, and cultivate learning communities to reduce costs, build loyalty and minimise disruptions within teams. For HR and L&D Directors looking to ensure succession and talent retention is the responsibility of the whole organisation, CareerBurst offers a practical solution.
A partnership between digital learning experts TWM and talent management experts Talent & Potential, CareerBurst is dedicated to career development. The experience platform is based on validated career science and empowers people to drive their own careers and equips line managers with robust toolkit to support this. It can be used on its own or integrated into TWM’s learning experience platform. By delivering outstanding career support, organisations can align employee capabilities to business goals and create a self-driven career culture that impacts the bottom line.
Phil Purver, Chief Executive TWM says: “Employees today must be equipped with the skills and capability to drive their own careers. Talent cycles are shorter, and people need to upskill and reskill in short bursts. CareerBurst is a thought-provoking tool and the Think Strengths! and Think Motivation! tools equip individuals to be more self-directed in driving their career internally. We’ve seen first-hand with Bentley and MTC that providing people with insights into their strengths and motivations and the right knowledge, skills and behaviours can transform a business. It helps individuals become more productive, effective and successful. Most importantly, when people find the right role, they not only over-perform, but stay.”
Using the new tools, employees can share results, explore potential and satisfaction in role, enhance contribution and conduct engaging and rewarding development conversations. For managers, the insights enable meaningful career conversations, enhanced team performance and improved talent management. Over time, it creates a sophisticated understanding of individual differences and how to use these to raise productivity and team performance. Identifying team strengths and motivations can also enhance recruitment and retention efforts.
CareerBurst advocate, Kate Masters is Senior Development Officer at Bentley. She explains: “Having worked with TWM successfully for 10 years, we chose to integrate CareerBurst with TWM’s platform to give colleagues support with driving their own development in one place. We needed an intuitive digital platform for colleagues and managers to access tools, advice and tactics at the time when they need it.”
TWM is located at Stand 28 at Learning Live, London.