MicroLearn confirms new partnership with Abintegro
MicroLearn confirms new partnership with Abintegro, supporting their award-winning career development platform with Jenison Express and now introducing MicroLearn learning content
London, November 4th, 2018/ MicroLearn, the new and disruptive company that’s taking the eLearning world by storm, today announced the extension of their partnership with Abintegro, the online career development solution provider.
The new provision of MicroLearn’s engaging bite sized learning is key in enabling Abintegro’s continuing development of their career development platform.
David Heard, Abintegro’s Commercial Director said “We have had a long and fruitful relationship providing Jenison Express eLearning courses to our customers via our platform, but with the additional provision of MicroLearn for 2019, the Abintegro platform will complement our existing assessments, tools and resources for career development and ensure users develop the skills needed for the future workplace”
Tracy Capaldi-Drewett, MicroLearn’s Commercial Director, said “We are delighted that Abintegro have chosen to enhance their solution with MicroLearn. In an ever-changing work environment that will see a disrupted labour market there will be a significant amount of upskilling and cross skilling required. We believe that the addition of MicroLearn content will contribute significantly in Abintegro’s continued growth in the career development market.