News story

Learning Interruptus? Digital Learning Challenge!

Saratoga Springs, NYLearning NewsMASIE Productions

Elliott Masie launches article on Learning Interruptus.

Learning 2014
Learning 2014 

As digital and online learning grows, learners are starting more video clips, internet classes and distance learning options. Yet, there is also a growing challenge, according to Elliott Masie, Chair of the Learning CONSORTIUM.

In the “old” days, Learning Completus was the default. We enrolled in a class, attended a 1, 2 or 3 day program – start to finish – and were done. The assumption was that a learner started and then completed the program (in most cases). Now learners may start a TED Video, take an online class or launch a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and things happen. Many learners start but do not complete a learning activity. Digital Interruptus!

There are actually a few types of Learning Interruptus:

  • Distraction & Work Conflicts: The learner may sit down to watch a powerful 18 minute TED Talk about leadership styles. But, things happen: the phone rings, a colleague drops by or the mind wanders to other pressures. So, the learner pauses the TED Video, hoping to return, but never does. Learning Interruptus.
  • Multi-Tasking Becomes Shifting: Sigh. Many of us start a webinar prepared to focus on the designated topic. But, webinar multi-tasking takes over and soon our learners are working on email, editing programs or eating lunch as the webinar continues. We could always go back and watch it again as a streamed segment, but we don’t. Learning Interruptus.
  • Come Back Next Week, Please! Learners sign up for 8 week online courses, perhaps in a MOOC format. The first and second weeks are cool, efficient and interesting. They plan on returning week 3 for the next segment, but they don’t. Their schedules, attention and priorities shift. So the 8 week program stops at week 2. Why didn’t they finish? Learning Interruptus.

Elliott Masie has crafted an article detailing elements of Learning Interruptus and ways in which organizations are using technology to help learners return and complete online learning – after a pause. This article is available online at:

In addition, Learning Interruptus will be a theme at Learning 2014, a global conference of learning professionals to be held in Orlando, Florida from October 26th to 29th.

Learning 2014 is produced by The Learning CONSORTIUM, a collaborative of 230 global corporations, focused on improving workplace learning and training. Hosted and curated by Elliott Masie, Learning 2014 brings together several thousand learning professionals as they focus on the changing nature of workplace education and development. Learning 2014 keynote speakers include Robin Roberts (ABC’s Good Morning America), Chef Bobby Flay, Sir Ken Robinson, Elliott Masie and more.

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