News story

Kineo e-learning continues to grow strongly

Brighton, UKLearning NewsKineo

Kineo today announced record sales in the last six months. Sales were up over 50% on the same period last year and confirm that Kineo maintains its position as one of the fastest growing e-learning companies in the UK.

Kineo continues to win new clients across all sectors including Tesco, Coca-Cola, AXA, HP, Barclays, BAT, the Homes and Communities Agency, the NHS and MacMillan.

Despite the recession of the last few years, Kineo has seen strong demand for its services, as cost-effective, e-learning and Moodle LMS solutions have become the preferred training approaches for progressive organisations. This has led to the company’s continued growth in an economic downturn.

Managing Director Steve Rayson commented: “We are seeing strong growth across all sectors and across all our services including custom e-learning, rapid e-learning and Moodle LMS learning platform. We have been adding to our talented team through continued recruitment in both Brighton and Sheffield, and are growing our team in the US. In Brighton we now have a fantastic core team of over 70 permanent staff that are focused on delivering high quality services to our clients."

“Our focus is on delivering innovative and cost-effective services to our clients. It’s led us to grow revenues more than tenfold in the last four years and we aspire to continue to grow, in the UK and the US.”