Giunti Labs showcases location, mobile and skills-based learning content personalisation at Learning Technologies
In a world of rapidly developing competition, organisations need to re-invent their training style and effectiveness if they are to keep their talents and competencies up-to-speed, believes Giunti Labs, the global vendor of learning content management solutions (learn eXact LCMS) and digital repository platforms (HarvestRoad Hive).
This includes supporting clients to identify their workers’ skills, knowledge and competencies, as well as helping them to deliver the right learning content just in time, where and when the user needs it. Today, organisations must identify gaps in their employees’ knowledge and competencies at a faster, continuous and granular pace - and then take steps to remedy the diagnosed skill gaps as quickly, efficiently and effectively as possible.
Increasingly – if it is to be effective in eradicating a skills gap - the learning experience must take into account the learner’s learning background, study track, likes and dislikes, abilities and disabilities, location and device used to access the learning materials.
Among other things, this means providing today’s workforces with learning contents in which are embedded a high degree of adaptive personalisation when these contents are accessed.
This requires new generation developments in learning content management, enabling the rapid automation of learning content individualisation. In turn, this should allow the delivery of just the right amount of knowledge, at the right pace, as and when needed, on whatever delivery device a worker has available at his/her location.
This ‘knowledge on demand’ paradigm is a concept that Giunti Labs Research has been piloting from some time in large EU projects such as Mobilearn, WearIT@Work and TenCompetence.
At the Learning Technologies 2010 event, being held at Olympia 2, in London, on 27th and 28th January, Giunti Labs will be presenting new modules and products resulting from these research projects - which are adding location, mobile and skills-based content personalisation features to its world leading LCMS solution: the learn eXact Enterprise Suite.
In particular, at Learning Technologies 2010, Giunti Labs will present:
* The new eXact Portfolio suite offering state-of-the-art learning portfolio and skills management features. This web-based eSkills and competency management software includes a full skills management application dealing with topics such as apprenticeship, validation scenarios and peer ratings, as well as new concepts such as skills crews and skills snapshots. The ePortfolio and skills management system also integrates fully with Giunti Labs’ flagship learn eXact LCMS solution to enable skills based content personalisation and repackaging, based on on-going skills gap analysis cycles performed on employees and users.
* The first outcomes of its new eXact Mobile 2.0 roadmap which, during 2010, will provide location based mobile content delivery with in-the-field collaboration support tools on an increasing set of handheld devices, starting with Blackberry™ Windows Mobile™ and iPhone™ devices.
Ola Badersten, Managing Director of Giunti Labs Scandinavia, where eXact Portfolio was designed, commented: “We are currently delivering innovative personal learning scenarios blending Giunti Labs’ new eXact Portfolio functionalities with the streamlined learn eXact content management capabilities. This is happening while we talk to leading organisations, for example, within telecom, finance and government.
“The level of personalisation improvement you can achieve with this approach is generating interest and positive feedback. We believe that this product ends the days of clumsy and ineffective large e-learning modules which had huge drop-off rates and very low user satisfaction.”
JJ Van Delsen, Sales Director of Giunti Labs UK added: “We are excited about the first previews of the new eXact Mobile 2.0 architecture. Having delivered several pilots on our previous eXact Mobile 1.0 solution, a zero footprint solution with downloadable and traceable SCORM content, we now are moving to a far richer mobile learning environment offering a large set of collaborative, constructive and location based learning experiences which make the content experience more complete, customised and, hence, enjoyable.
“This is something that mobile learning needs in order to capture the mass market, after years of hype but poor adoption.”
The new skills and mobile personalisation features will be presented in two custom presentations being given at a seminar in the Learning Technologies exhibition and at a Learning and Skills event. Other visitors can discover more about Giunti Labs’ products and services by visiting stand number 21 in the Learning Technologies’ exhibition hall.