Docebo named as one of eight top performing LMSs for the UK market
Docebo’s Cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), e-learning platform has been named as one of the top eight learning management systems (LMSs) suitable for the UK’s corporate learning sector.
The list of the top performing eight LMSs has been published following extensive research by Learning Light, the UK-based independent e-learning industry market analyst.
Learning Light Director, David Patterson, said: “We’ve carried out this research in the light of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)’s statement that, from September 2014, Individual Learner Records for funded further education courses must show a minimum of ten per cent of individuals’ learning via materials delivered online. This is going to increase demand for LMSs in the UK – and, at present, there are some 600 LMSs from which to choose.
“We’ve based our analysis on the cost of ownership; features and functionalities; development pathway and future-proofing from a training industry perspective.”
In its report – which is available online from Learning Light’s website - Learning Light comments that the Docebo LMS is ‘a comprehensive LMS with lots of up-to-date features covering most of what any training organisation or department needs. Features include classroom alignment, lots of integration options and APIs. Docebo also has a content market place, which is useful. Future development pathways look good as well.’
Claudio Erba, Docebo’s CEO, commented: “This is the third time in almost as many months that Docebo’s e-learning platform has made it onto a list of the top performing LMSs. In June, it was named as the sixth best LMS in the world out of 600 by independent market analyst, Craig Weiss. In July, a list from Craig Weiss rated it third in the world for business-to-business use.
“Docebo’s e-learning platform is currently used by over 750 organizations around the world,” he added. “Many of these are large, global companies, using the Docebo LMS to co-ordinate the learning of many thousands of learners belonging to different cultures and living in different time zones.”
The Learning Light Top Eight LMSs are – in alphabetical order:
- aNewSpring
- Docebo
- Enable by Virtual College
- Kallidus
- LearnUpon
- Litmos
- Moodle
- Nimble by elearning 247
The latest version of the Docebo LMS - Docebo 6.4 can be tried online.
About Learning Light Ltd
Sheffield-based Learning Light, founded, in 2005, provides advice and help to organisations using e-learning and learning technologies to improve their business performance. It’s one of the few organisations in Europe that publishes regular research on the e-learning market – notably publishing in-depth reports on the UK and European e-learning markets, encompassing market size, growth projections and technology trends. Learning Light’s research has been used widely by Governments to inform economic policy; by universities and education establishments; by journalists; by investors evaluating new opportunities and by other research organisations.