CM Group promotes Microsoft prize winner after success of Luminosity
Following the successful launch of the new elearning publishing platform Luminosity, CM Group has this month promoted Tom Randell to the role of technologist.
A former Microsoft student partner, during Tom's final year of university, he took part in the Imagine Cup, a student competition organised by Microsoft. The competition encourages students to develop technology-based solutions that tackle real-world problems. His team won the UK final and went on to represent the UK at the worldwide finals in India. One of the highlights after winning the UK final was the opportunity to travel to the Microsoft Campus in Redmond and meet Bill Gates.
Tom started work for CM Group in September 2006 after completing a four-year course at the University of Hull, where he gained a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Distributed Systems Development.
Tim Buff, managing director of CM Group, comments, "I'm over the moon at Tom's promotion. He's been with us for two years now and, even as a graduate, he's been an integral part of the team. His steady progression has underlined the success of the Company's graduate recruitment programme.
"With our new business division Luminosity taking off so rapidly, we're keen to attract and retain the best of the best in order to maintain our reputation for exceptionally high standards."
Tom adds, "When I left university, I told myself that I had to enjoy my work. I have achieved that goal here at CM Group. I'm working on the very latest technologies and my work changes from project to project, which provides me with many interesting challenges and opportunities."