Submit your news

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Submit your news announcement for the Learning Technologies Exhibition and Conference. (If you already have a paid subscription account on Learning News login and post your news directly.)


  • No offers, competitions or prize draws
  • All text (except quotations) must be written in the third person
  • Learning Technologies 2025 deadline 17 April.

Your news doesn't have to be about what you are doing at Learning Technologies, but do at least include a paragraph about it. If your news is about what you are doing at the show, don't just write headlines like 'Visit ABC company on stand #X', write about your activity or message for the event and what this means for the wider market. Example topics might be launching a new product, demonstrating an innovation, thought leadership, research or supporting a good cause. Tips on writing news about exhibiting at tradeshows. Any questions please contact us.

Publication is at the discretion of Learning News. Learning News may edit a submission where it deems necessary. View the complete submissions policy

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