Neutrain is a platform for training experts to share their materials and services with learning and development professionals. People can view, share, read reviews and trainer notes for free, paying only when materials are downloaded.

We use the 'freemium' business model: make the product free for all to view and share and if people want to purchase the product they can (which is the 'premium' part of the largely 'free' site - hence the word 'freemium').  By sharing the slides and notes we enable students, trainers, charities, small business and even large L&D functions to get a better understanding of what is 'out there'.  People will only download the products if they are designing or delivering training courses and they believe the cost the author is asking to be reasonable.  Not many people do or will download - we work on an estimation of 1%.

Our site is a non commercial enterprise. We don't pay office rent or salaries and we don't pay trainers to load up content - everyone involved in this site has done so voluntarily: we consider this as a collective example of social entrepreneurialism. If we do make enough to cover our costs it won't ever be a game changer, but we would like to earn enough to donate to our charity of choice J-PAL. If you haven't heard of them, please take a look at their website or read the book 'Poor economics' to learn more about what they do. The charity conducts large scale trials in the third world which examine what interventions make a real difference to training and education. Because they empirically test what they are doing they know where to best target charity money.

neuTrain was co-founded by occupational psychologist, Lucy Standing, with the help of Donald H Taylor, a leading learning and development professional, industry spokesperson and chair of several thought leadership bodies and Steve Whiddett, a business psychologist and content author on neuTrain.