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Cafe eLearning

Cafe eLearning is a regularly updated blog with articles on growth and future of eLearning, gamification, story based learning and other related topics.

Cafe eLearning is a blog dedicated to create an awareness about eLearning, its applications, advantages and implementation.

We live in a digital world today that’s pacing at an exponential speed, chasing new heights and reaching new realms. Computers, mobile phones and the internet are revolutionizing everything that comes in their way and education is not an exception to this digital revolution.

eLearning is a revolutionary concept that is going to uproot the education system that we know today. Schools and colleges are being replaced with online learning sites and college degrees are being replaced with online tutorials.

eLearning is breaking the all the stereotypes that once haunted the education system with ridiculous course fee and economic disparity.

eLearning is increasingly taking the lead role in business education, corporate training and professional workshops, driving new skill set acquisition and knowledge management across diverse organizations.

With concepts like gamification and story based learning, eLearning courses are aimed at being more educational, interactive and fun at the same time.

The blog has numerous articles on eLearning, growth and future of the eLearning industry, ways one can device online instructional courses, roles gamification and story based learning have in revolutionizing the medium of instruction and so on.

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